We would like to announce that the call for proposals for JCM Model Projects in FY2023 will be announced on Thursday, 6th April 2023 by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and GEC.
- Purpose:
JCM Model Projects aim to contribute to global GHG emission reductions through the diffusion of leading decarbonizing technologies while considering the needs of the partner countries, in accordance with the Decarbonization Infrastructure Initiative by MOEJ in June 2021, the Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures approved by Cabinet Office in October 2021 and Implementation of Article 6 following COP26 announced by MOEJ in November 2021, the Grand Design and Action Plan for a New Form of Capitalism (Cabinet Decision in June 2022), etc.
GEC is an implementing organization for the Financing Programme for JCM Model Projects in FY2023 and relevant information for the call will be updated on GEC’s website below:
- Schedule of the Call
Thursday, 6th April: Call for proposals and relevant information will be announced on GEC’s website
Thursday, 30th November: Deadline for submitting the proposal.
GEC will accept proposals throughout the period, and the preliminary selection of JCM Model Projects is done periodically while the budget is available.
Thus, acceptance of proposals may close before the deadline due to the availability of the remaining budget.
JCM Model Project is the financial support programme by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. Please note that after the evaluation of proposals by GEC, Project Idea Note (PIN) will be submitted to the Joint Committee (JC) through the JCM secretariat. The Project with ‘no objection’ by JC will be selected as JCM Model Project. After this, JCM project cycle, which includes methodology development, validation, registration, etc. will be processed.