
Electronic decision by Joint Committee

The Joint Committee adopted the decision on the following documents by electronic means. Rules of Implementation for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) ver02.0 Joint Crediting Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure ver04.0 JCM Modalities of Communication Statement Form ver02.0 JCM Credits Issuance Request Form ver02.0 Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Proposed Methodology ver02.0 Joint Crediting Mechanism [...]


ХААН Банк, Европын Сэргээн Босголт Хөгжлийн Банктай Тогтвортой эрчим хүчний санхүүжилтийн хөтөлбөр /MonSeff/-ийн хүрээнд 10 сая ам.долларын санхүүжилтийн гэрээг байгуулсан байна. Монголын тогтвортой эрчим хүчний санхүүжилтийн төслийн зээлийг эрчим хүчний хэмнэлтийг бий болгох тоног төхөөрөмж худалдан авах, эрчим хүчний алдагдлыг багасгах зорилгоор үйлдвэр үйлчилгээний газартаа засвар хийх, өргөтгөх, эрчим хүчний илүүдэл хэрэглээг багасгах техник шинэчлэл [...]

Schedule for selecting projects and studies by MOE under JCM promotion Scheme in FY2016

(as of 29 Mar, 2016) [JCM Model Project (Includes collaboration with projects supported by JICA and other governmental-affiliated financial institute)] Items Date Starting date of call for request 8 April, 2016 Deadline for entities to submit their application 16 May, 2016 Announcement of selected Model Projects Around end of June, 2016 [ADB Trust Fund] Items [...]

Schedule for selecting projects and studies by MOE under JCM promotion Scheme in FY2016

(as of 11 Mar, 2016) [Feasibility Studies for Large Scale Project] Items Date Starting date of call for request 10 March, 2016 Deadline for entities to submit their application 10 May, 2016 Planned date of selecting FS Middle of June, 2016 [JCM Model Project (Includes collaboration with projects supported by JICA and other governmental-affiliated financial [...]

ХКОМ-ыг дэмжих хөтөлбөрийн хүрээнд 2016 оны санхүүгийн жилд Японы Байгаль орчны яамнаас төсөл хөтөлбөрүүд болон судалгаануудыг сонгон шалгаруулах хуваарь

(2016 оны 2 сарын 26-ны байдлаар) [ХКОМ-ын Загвар төсөл (ЖАЙКА болон бусад төрийн харьяалалтай санхүүгийн байгууллагуудаар дэмжигдэж байгаа төслүүд хамаарагдана)] Нэрс Огноо Тендерийн зар эхлэх огноо 2016 оны 4 сарын эхэн болон дунд үеэр Хуулийн этгээдийн анкетыг авах сүүлийн хугацаа 2016 оны 5 сарын дунд үеэр Сонгогдсон загвар төслийг зарлах хугацаа 2016 оны 6 сарын [...]

NHK presents: JCM projects in Mongolia

JCM projects in Mongolia was broadcasted in NHK morning news, and we can watch this movie in the NHK site below URL. PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE WATCHING THE MOVIE. (Movie is available only in Japanese language) In Mongolia, at the end of December 2015, the two JCM projects have been already registered as follows; [...]

“3rd JCM Partner Countries’ High-level Meeting” was held in COP21

Ministers and Representatives from 16 JCM partner countries and Japan have participated the “3rd JCM Partner Countries’ High-level Meeting” held in 8 December, 2015 at Japan Pavilion in COP21 (Paris) as a side event. The Ministers and Representatives welcomed the progress in the JCM and shared their continuous will to further implement the JCM through [...]

Asia Pacific: Response to Climate Change

Global leaders are gathered in Paris for the COP21 climate summit. Given Asia Pacific’s size and its contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, its voice and commitment are critical to achieving a comprehensive agreement on climate change. Many Asia Pacific countries are developing and must focus on achieving sustained economic growth and development. Of the [...]

Statement by His Excellency TSAKHIAGIIN ELBEGDORJ at the Session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

EPIC-SCALE CONTRACT Your Excellency President Francois Hollande, Mr. Laurent Fabius, President of the 21st Session of the Conference of Parties to UNFCCC,  Excellences,  Distinguished guests,  Ladies and gentlemen, I congratulate and commend the Government of France on its dedication and leading role in hosting this historic 21st Session of the Climate Change Conference. Today the [...]