JCM projects in Mongolia was broadcasted in NHK morning news, and we can watch this movie in the NHK site below URL.

PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE WATCHING THE MOVIE. (Movie is available only in Japanese language)

In Mongolia, at the end of December 2015, the two JCM projects have been already registered as follows;

Project : MN001 https://www.jcm.go.jp/mn-jp/projects/5
Project : MN002 https://www.jcm.go.jp/mn-jp/projects/6

These projects were interviewed by NHK (Japanese TV station) on 30th and 31st October 2015. On 8th December 2015, these projects were broadcasted during the morning news of NHK as follows (only in Japanese language):

The web page of ECO CHANNEL of NHK site;

The outline of news was as follows;
Ministers and Representatives from 16 JCM partner countries and Japan have participated the “3rd JCM Partner Countries’ High-level Meeting” held in 8 December, 2015 at Japan Pavilion in COP21 (Paris) as a side event. Additionally, the interview of the Mongolian cabinet minister was broadcasted because Mongolia is the first country of JCM partner.
Next, the situation of Ulaanbaatar and the structure of JCM were reported. And the interview of teacher of Bornuur soum and the project site were broadcasted. It was reported that around 300 CO2-ton/year of emission reduction was expected. At last, the interview of Japanese person in charge and the interview of the officer of Ministry of Environment Japan were broadcasted.