1004, 2019

Call for Proposals: Financing Programme for JCM Model Projects in FY2019

2019 оны Aprilын 10, Wednesday гариг|

The Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC) as an implementing organization for the Financing Programme for Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Model Projects in FY2019, is soliciting the project proposals for the financing programme. Programme Overview (1) Purpose Japan establishes and implements the Joint Crediting Mechanism (hereinafter referred to as “JCM”) in [...]

2011, 2018

Private Sector Contribution to Climate Change /video/

2018 оны Novemberын 20, Tuesday гариг|

The educational short video is to promote and encourage climate actions by the private sector. The video will include interviews with relevant resource persons (interviewee) in Mongolia and necessary animation or after-effect to explain the Mongolian climate policies, the importance, and benefits of climate actions for the private sector, and [...]

3108, 2018

2nd Call for Proposals: Financing Programme for JCM Model Projects in FY2018

2018 оны Augustын 31, Friday гариг|

The Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC) as an implementing organization for the Financing Programme for Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Model Projects in FY2018, is soliciting the project proposals for the financing programme. Programme Overview (1) Purpose Japan establishes and implements the Joint Crediting Mechanism (hereinafter referred to as “JCM”) in [...]

2607, 2018

Standardized baseline “Grid Emission Factor for Mongolia’s National Electricity Grid” has been approved by the CDM Executive Board

2018 оны Julyын 26, Thursday гариг|

We are pleased to announce that the standardized baseline PSB0041: "Grid Emission Factor for Mongolia's National Electricity Grid" has been approved by the CDM Executive Board, 17 July 2018. The reference number of the approved standardized baseline is ASB0039-2018 and is available on the following CDM website: http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/standard_base/2015/sb4.html

2307, 2018

Upcoming 2nd Call for Proposals: Financing Programme for JCM Model Projects in FY2018

2018 оны Julyын 23, Monday гариг|

The Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC) as a secretariat for the Financing Programme for Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Model Projects in FY2018, is pleased to announce that the second call for proposals for the financing programme will be published on Monday, 27 August 2018. Programme Overview (1) Purpose Japan establishes [...]